Division Age / Gender Players on Field* Periods
U19 14-18 / Co-ed 11 2 @ 35 mins
U14 11, 12 & 13 / Co-ed 11 2 @ 25 mins
U12G 9, 10 & 11 / Girls 9 2 @ 25 mins
U11 9-10 / Co-ed (mostly Boys) 9 2 @ 25 mins
U9 7-8 / Co-ed (mostly Boys) 9 2 @ 25 mins
U9G 7-8 / Girls 9 2 @ 25 mins
U7 5 & 6 / Co-ed (mostly Boys) 6 4 @ 10 mins
U7G 5 & 6 / Girls 6 4 @ 10 mins
U5 4 / Co-ed 4 4 @ 7 mins
U4 2 & 3^ / Co-ed 4 Varies


* Number of players on field may be modified seasons by season and game by game based on number of players registered and/or number of players in attendance.

^ Must be out of diapers.

All-Girl (G) Divisions: Any division labeled with "G" is girls only. All other divisions are Co-ed. When both a Girls and Co-ed division exists in an age grouping, the Co-ed division is almost all boys. 

Ages/Age Cutoffs: Pinelanders players are grouped by age and the season age moves up six months each season. "U" means "Under" so that all players in U4, for example, are 2 and 3 years old as of the Season Age Date. All players in U5 are 4 years old as of the Season Age Date.  

Fall Season Age Date:
October 1
Spring Season Age Date:
April 1

For example, a player who turns 7 on April 1, would be in the Under 9 age group. If a player turns 7 on April 2, they would be 6 on April 1 and therefore in the Under 7 age group.